All One Eyed Jack products are shipped from New Delhi, India to the shipping address shared by the customer during ordering the product. We use various authorized delivery services such as FedEx /Blue Dart/ DTDC/ DHL, etc. for shipping of your orders. Processing and dispatching an order ideally takes 24 - 48 hours, but the same can vary depending on the nature of the order and the product-in stock status. For custom orders, it might take up to 2 weeks to ship the order to you. Further, the date of delivery depends on your PIN-code and hence, we do not mention the standard delivery date in the order confirmation email. There may also be a delay due to unforeseen circumstances and will be conveyed to you if any. Sometimes if you order 3-4 sets together of different types, it is possible we may ship them separately, which may sometimes affect the delivery times for all of them. However, we remain committed to our aim of the fastest order fulfilment in India to all our customers. Please check the estimated delivery date with our team if it’s not mentioned on the website to avoid any inconvenience later.
Any International Order which is processed or confirmed once cannot be cancelled. Due to the nature of international shipping, the customers have to bear the additional import duties levied by the government authorities once a shipment reaches the country. Furthermore, the imposition of import duties/taxes as well as rates vary from Country to Country and so we are unable to calculate the amount of the same in advance.
To ensure a smooth delivery experience, our delivery partners have been advised to clear the goods from the Customs of the respective country by paying the applicable amount of duties/taxes on behalf of our Customers. A separate invoice will be sent to the customer at the time of giving delivery of goods, upon payment of which the package will be handed over to the customer.
The customers will bear the additional delivery cost incurred during the process. If the customer fails to all the cost expected to be paid by them, the courier partner shall withhold the delivery of the product and in that event, we do not owe any responsibility to the customer for non-delivery of the product nor for a refund of the amount paid against such products.